

Yesterday I made a descision, it is one I have made many times before. I have decised to fianlly get healthy. In the past my goal was to lose weight. I never saw beyond to how keeeping the weight off would benefit me.

I am the Queen of the Quitters, and I am about to embark on an adventure to abdicate my crown!

I have ordered the Shakeology system, contacted a personal trainer, purchased some recomended reading and set my goal! In the past I start off strong and then stop when it gets too hard, boring, or whatever other excuses I can come up with. Not. This. Time. I am done beign tired, obese, and unhappy. By this time next year I WILL be smaller, more flexible, have better hair and skin and hopefully more self confidense. The best part is Derrick will be joining me on this trip!

I have a blog on the Team Beachbody website that will go into more detail of my struggles and successes,  but I will keep you updated here too. After all this new life change will probably take up a huge amount of my time.

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