
Relaxing Knitting

On Sunday some of the members of my knitting group came over and we spent 4 hours knitting, chatting and snacking. It was so nice to sit and relax. Michelle and Tina worked on socks, Maggie on a baby blanket, Abby on legwarmers, Betty on a shawl, Robin on her cardigan and I worked on Alex's fingerless mitts as well as my Ingenue sweater.

Maggie brought her two week old daughter Margaret. Oooo baby noises. She was so sweet.

The weather was unseasonably warm, we had the door open and the thermostat read 75 degrees.

I was so proud of how nice the house looked, still decorated for the holidays. I might be sad to see it all come down next week.

I also received my certificate certifying that I have completed my real estate course. Now I need to find a broker to work with and take my licensing test. Then I'll be ready to work!


Getting Ready for the Holidays

This year seems for be a little more laid back than past years. This is probably due to the kids being so much older.

We will be going to my sisters home for Christmas Eve, this is always fun. We see extended family members, share stories, and good food. On Christmas morning we host a breakfast. I plan the meal weeks in advance and try new things every year. We have any where from 6 to 15 people. On Christmas night we go to the in laws for a meal and crazy gift exchange. There is always much laughter!! Then as a finish to the season we host a New Years Eve Party. We have guest who just drop in for a short while and those here for the duration. This will be the second year that Alex had his friend here too. Nothing livens up a group like 15 teenagers! We have lots of food and light the fire pit, there is music and stories and the laughs go on and on.

Wishing you and yours a joyous season and a happy and healthy new year.


She's Here!

Let me introduce you to Dorothy, Dottie for short. My new to me loom. The first shows her on the Dining room table and the second with my warp chains ready to be dressed.

Tomorrow I will take the first big leap and dress my loom. the I will be weaving a sampler. I am using Harrisville Shetland in Bermuda Blue and Oatmeal.

In the food department I have had a little backslide. I haven't gained any weight back but have to get on the ball. I am weak in the planning department. I need to have more things available to eat at home so as not to be tempted. My exercise plan is to walk daily, lift weights Monday thru Saturday. I will work the upper MWF and lower TTHS.

I haven't knit much this week due to a visit from my Mom. So the plan for the week coming up is to finish a sock. Creating a pair and not another lonely first sock.


An Early Birthday Present

Woo Hoo! My family gave me an early birthday gift.
My very own digital camera. I am so excited it, is charging as I write. Photos to come soon!!!

Today has been a day for details. I registered Derrick, Alex and my BIL Troy to become Scuba certified when we next visit Key West. I registered myself for a beginning weaving class in June. Paid some bills. And have more paperwork to do tonight. All this to keep from cleaning the dining room. The dining table we bought for Amber last year is too big for her new house. Since it is much larger than mine, I get it back. Andy and his friend are bringing it tonight and I should have the room clean for the new addition.

I also found out today that my mom is coming for a visit on Friday and staying until April 9. I'll have to plan a few nice meals.

Last week I bought a used loom. It is a Leclerc Dorothy, 15in 4 shaft table loom. It should be great for learning. From everything I have read recently I think I will want a wider loom later, and probably a floor loom.

I can't pick it up until Thursday so photos will follow. I am so excited I can hardly wait. I'm just sorry that my class isn't until June. I'm sure I'll have to tinker with it before hand!
The sock above is finished and the second is on the needles. It is a pattern from Sensational Knitted Socks and the yarn is KPPPM.



Last night I watched my son play is bass on a real stage in a real tavern. I know that his talent doesn't come from me, but boy does he have it.

It was a kick watching the crowd from my chosen bar stool in the rear of the bar. As I sipped my ale I almost giggled out loud. Does this mean I am cool by association?

Still knitting on Derrick's sock. I may finish it this weekend and be able to start #2.

The new lifestyle is going well. I am starting to have more energy, no more headaches from caffeine withdrawal. I am going to put some work into being more prepared next week. Big grocery shopping trip on the horizon.


It's a start

It hasn't been too terrible, this giving up caffeine and sugar. I had a headache for a day or two, but everyone in the house lived. They were all well aware that I was undertaking this and were on their best behavior.

I am feeling a bit sluggish. I'm sure that will be gone soon. This weekend I will be adding exercise to my better eating plan.

Derricks sock is taking shape, I'm on the gusset of sock one. I need to get hopping on Alex's sweater.

So as not to have a picture-less post I will leave you with a photo I took in NC. This is a house on Oak Island.


A New me?

I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately and have decided to create a new me. The me I want to be. The me I want people to see and come to know. The Me I want to be for myself and my family and the world.

First I plan to blog more often and use the blog as a journal/sounding board. The blog will help me be accountable to myself.

My plan is for small and large changes alike. Basically I want to live more simply, use less, buy less, live more healthfully, be a better example to those around me. I want to cut out the things I don't enjoy and spend more time doing the things I want to do. I hope to inspire my family to live a more healthy lifestyle, by example.

My self improvement will include learning to spin, weave, play the piano. I will resume weight lifting and yoga. Gardening will take a larger roll and I will spend more time outside. I am going to reduce the amount of clutter so that maintenance will be quick and easy. I vow to myself to walk or bike to the farmers market every Saturday from April until October. It is only one mile away. I will get up earlier and use daylight. I will turn off the TV.

For meals I will follow a low glycemic index diet. The Transitions Lifestyle is the one that works for me. This is no diet but a lifestyle change. I will stop eating sugar! I will be prepared! That is the easiest way to stay on track.

I'd like to start a business once we move to Key West maybe even before. I want to have an online shop as well as have items on consignment at boutique type places in town. My items for sale will include hand wovens, hand spun yarn, hand dyed yarn, candles (beeswax and soy), hand sewn items, jewelry, mosaics, basically all of my craft loves. The business will be called Paradise Cottage Craft.

I also want to spend more time preparing Alex for his future. We will redouble our efforts with his schooling. I also will spend some time training our dogs better. I'd like them to be canine good citizens.

Our current plan for the move is to find a home that is affordable. Derrick will spend 20 days a month in Key West, and 10 traveling to see his clients or in his office in MD. He wants me to act as his assistant, making his appointments and travel arrangements. This will be one way for us to keep in constant communication with each other.

Today I will spend time making lists and schedules. More on those as they are nailed down.

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY, Day 1. It sounds rather ambitious however not everything will be implemented on day one. I will add things slowly so that they become good habits.

Tonight we are going to the high school to see the Rock and Roll Revival. It is a musical that is put on each year. They totally rewrite the show every year to showcase different songs. Alex's friends are in the cast and band this year.

In knitting news..I spend a lot of time on Ravelry and have the usual 50 wip.


I see an Obsession an the way

I have set up a workshop for next month to learn to dye yarn and roving. How will I stand the wait? Yes, I said roving. I have not given up on learning to spin..

My instructor is The Famous Mama E of Blog fame and the designer of C*eye*ber Fiber. How cool to have the use of a professional dyer's studio.

I finished Alex's house socks and he is already hounding me for more. I also plan on finishing Amber's Maine Morning Mitts this weekend.

I am hosting 2 open houses this weekend to introduce my Initials inc. business. I hope someone attends! Wish me luck.


Slow Going

It is slow going on the knitting front. I have been running back and forth to the vet all week, trying to keep Angus from eating my new foster Bam Bam, and still fighting the never ending sinus cold.

I feel run down, and emotionally fragile. To top it all off I have a dreaded GYN appointment tomorrow.

My daughter is looking for a new home, trying too get her school apps in and working, my dad is staying with us until April, my niece will be here the week of the 9th, Alex needs to finish drivers ed, I need to review adoption applications for Pearl, and the house is under tons of improvement dust.

Oh, by the way have I told you about my new business? I am a Creative Partner with Initial, inc. My first open house is next Thursday. Invites and catalogs are going in the mail tomorrow. These products are so cool! Lots of personalized items, great gift ideas, and very nice silver jewelry.


Feast or Famine

You know sometimes there is nothing to talk about and other times too much!!

I have finally started to put photos in my Ravelry Notebook. It is so much fun. I can't wait to buy a digital camera of my own. I haven't done any knitting since Tuesday night's Fiber Floozies Meet Up. I better get moving I have so many projects in the works and more I want to start!

We have a foster girl named Pearl (that's her above lounging with Goblin) and a boy will be arriving tomorrow. The fact that there will be six mouths to feed is crazy. I love dinnertime, They all sit at my feet and talk to me as I prepare their food. It sounds like an opera!

In other VERY exciting news....I have signed on with Initials inc. to sell their line of personalized products. I am so pleased with the quality of the items and can't wait to hold my first open house and shows. I have everything ready and am in the process of doing a mailing and invite to my open house. I am posting a photo of my Sassy Jubilee Bag that I designed. Stay tuned for more about this awesome company and products.

On the home front the Love of My Life is home-improving yet again. Suffice it to say that every surface is covered in drywall dust and sawdust. The dining room is now smaller and more intimate. It is getting all new and very substantial moldings.Painting to happen next week. For an Accountant and Financial Planner he does good work. He is such a perfectionist and artist at heart that every job he tackles turns out better than professional.


A Wonderful Sunday

Sunday I hosted my knitting meetup group. I prepare an awesome (if I do say so myself) Chesapeake Chowder. I do have to Thank the Love of My Life and my son for Cleaning the entire house. They were such a huge help. They even did the baseboards. I will definitely be keeping them!

There ended up being nine of us. It was such a great way to spend an overcast winters day. I worked on a pair of cabled sock made with Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino, and Alex's tribal sweater. Thanks to Cheryl for un-knotting the yarn that Loki "knitted". That puppy sure has good taste. He tangled a baby alpaca, wool and silk blend that I am using for Alex's sweater. Michelle brought cookies and socks to knit. We had two new people join our group Lenore and Kathy. We were also glad that a few we haven't seen in a while were able to attend. Robin came with her daughter Veronica. Veronica brought a friend, Abby. I love seeing the next generation appreciating hand work. Amber (not my Amber) was here to share all her big news. She is engaged, so can now safely knit a sweater for her sweetheart. Her other news was that she is being deployed to Iraq for 6 months.

I am so blessed to have a hobby that allows me to meet and become friends with so many awesome people.


Looking Forward to a BUSY Weekend

This coming weekend is going to be nuts!

1. On Saturday I am getting TWO pug fosters. I know absolutely nothing about them. They are coming to me from a breeding facility that is closing. So I assume from past experience that they will not be socialized, house trained, used to human contact, very nervous and fearful. They also very probably have never been outside. It is so rewarding to rehab these poor lost souls. Updates and pics to follow.

2. On Sunday my meet up group is coming for lunch and knitting. I am so happy to host this group. I haven't seen them since before Christmas so this should be a lot of fun.

3. Also on Sunday my parents are moving in for a couple of weeks. They are so happy that their house finally sold. They are scheduled to settle on the 18th. Since most of their things were moved to their new home several months ago, this part of the move should be easy for them. Mom will be back and forth for a while. Dad on the other hand will be with us until the end of tax season.

I guess I better get my butt in gear. We were all sick this weekend so I have a mountain of laundry to do as well as putting the holiday decorations away. Yes you read correctly the holiday decorations are all still up.


Knitting Daily, Ravelry and Blogs

Is it only me? I have a hard time tearing myself away from the computer lately. All the new knitting sites, ideas an such are sucking me in.

I have taken to knitting in bed in a strange position so that I can read at the same time. Luckily for me the light doesn't keep the Love of My Life awake. I have been working mostly on a scarf I am calling stripey. I saw the pattern on what else Ravelry, and had to cast on immediately. Every time my son sees me knitting anything other than the socks or sweater that I have on the needles for him he give me a look and asks " Is that mine?" What a brat!